
Day 4

Par PATRICIA LEMAITRE, publié le mercredi 8 décembre 2021 16:58 - Mis à jour le mardi 5 avril 2022 08:30
Lab test and model contest

Today we worked on two main activities, for the model contest we were divided into four groups of all nationalities. The objective is to build a model of our dream house. Our furnitures are sheets of paper board, paint, scissors, cutters.



Our first step was to draw a draft, and after we began to create it. While three teams worked on the contest another performs concrete resistance tests.




We made different concrete with sand, water, plasticising composed by plastic waste, ciment, pebbles.



All the building are connected by underground tunnels which served as bunkers during the Cold War. We used them to go from the lab to the auditorium.